
-Me, second grade

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge”


During my PhD and postdocs, I have lectured, TAed as a discussion leader, and taught as an Adjunct Professor. My teaching and mentoring experiences span undergraduate, Master’s, and doctoral students at small liberal arts colleges, private Research I institutions, and a variety of public universities.

Sample Courses & Syllabi

*Visit my CV for a full list of teaching and mentoring experiences.

Psychology of Bias, Misbelief, and the Self. Psy 680. St. Joseph’s University. [Syllabus]

Motivating Wisely. Psy 470. St. Joseph’s University. [Syllabus]

GRIT Lab: Fostering Passion and Perseverance. Psyc 005. University of Pennsylvania

Education Proseminar 2: Learning and Teaching. Educ 325B. Stanford University. [Syllabus]

Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis and Interpretation. Educ 200A. Stanford University

Sample Lesson Plans & Activities

My courses emphasize active learning and student engagement. Here are a few lesson plans to show what this can look like in the classroom. See something you like? Please use it & lemme know how it goes!

Psychological Needs & Self-Determination Theory. [Lesson Plan] [Slides]

Dunning-Kruger Effect. [Lesson Plan] [Slides]

Research Mentoring

As a research mentor, my goal is to equip students to be social scientists by working with them through all stages of the research process.

Here are examples of my students’ posters, presented at the UC Davis Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Students’ Goals Moderate the Association Between Poverty & Grades in School. Chelsea L. Leslie et al. [Poster]

Factors that Contribute to Coping for Children of Mexican Origin. Celeste Guzman et al. [Poster]