

Porter, T. & Cimpian, A. (2023). Emphasis on intellectual ability discourages expression of intellectual humility. Motivation Science, 9(2), 120-130.

Porter, T. (2023). Jingle-Jangle fallacies in intellectual humility research. Journal of Positive Psychology, 18(2), 221-223.


Porter, S. L., Baehr, J., Porter, T., & Roberts, R. C. (2022). On the integration of positive psychology and the psychology of religion/spirituality: Logical, normative, and methodological questions. In E.B. Davis, E.L. Worthington, & S.A. Schnitker (Eds.), Handbook of positive psychology, religion, and spirituality (pp. 37-51). Springer International Publishing.

Porter, T., Elnakouri, A., Meyers, E., Shibayama, T., Jayawichreme, E., Grossmann, I. (2022). Intellectual Humility: Predictors and consequences. Nature Reviews Psychology, 1, 524-536.

Porter, T., Catalán Molina, D., Lucas, M., Oberle, C., Trzesniewski, K. Classroom environment predicts changes in expressed intellectual humility. (2022). Contemporary Educational Psychology, 70, 102081.

Catalán Molina, D., Porter, T., Oberle, C., Haghighat, M., Roberts, S., Blackwell, L. S., Trzesniewski, K. How to measure quality of delivery: Focus on teaching practices that help students to develop proximal outcomes. (2022). Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 15(4), 898-923.

Koetke, J., Schumann, K., Porter, T., Smilo-Morgan, I. (2022). Fallibility salience increases intellectual humility: Implications for people’s willingness to investigate misinformation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 49(5), 806-820.

Ludwig, J., Schumann, K., Porter, T. (2022). Humble and apologetic? Predicting apology quality with intellectual and general humility. Personality and Individual Differences, 188, 111477.  

Porter, T., Catalán Molina, D., Cimpian, A., Roberts, S., Frederiks, A., Blackwell, L.S., Trzesniewski, K. (2022). Growth mindset intervention delivered by teachers boosts achievement in early adolescence. Psychological Science, 33(7), 1027-1181.  


Porter, T., Baldwin, C. R., Warren, M. T., Murray, E. D., Bronk, K. C., Forgeard, M., Snow, N., & Jayawickreme, E. (2021) Clarifying the content of intellectual humility: A systematic review and integrative framework. Journal of Personality Assessment, 104(5), 573-585. [Pdf] [OSF]

Porter, T. (2021). Did it work? Reflections and five humble questions to guide assessment. Journal of Education, 202(2), 166-169.

Selmeczy, D., Ghetti, S., Zheng, L., Porter, T., & Trzesniewski, K. (2021). Help me understand: Information-seeking, developmental differences, and implications for academic achievement. Cognitive Development, 59, 101062.

Koetke, J., Schumann, K., Porter, T. (2021). Trust in science increases conservative support for social distancing. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 24(4), 680-697.

Koetke, J., Schumann, K., Porter, T. (2021). Intellectual humility predicts scrutiny of COVID-19 misinformation. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13(1), 277-284.


Porter, T., Schumann, K., Selmeczy, D., & Trzesniewski, K. (2020). Intellectual humility predicts mastery behaviors when learning. Learning and Individual Differences, 80, 101888. [Pdf] [OSF]

Porter, T., Martinus, A., Ross, R, Cyster, C.F., Trzesniewski, K. (2020). Changing learner beliefs in South African townships – an evaluation of a growth mindset intervention. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11(7), 991-998. [Pdf] [OSF]

Porter, T., Catalán Molina, D., Blackwell, L., Roberts, S., Quirk, A., Duckworth, A.L., & Trzesniewski, K. (2020). Measuring mastery behaviors at scale: The persistence, effort, resilience and challenge-seeking task (PERC). Journal of Learning Analytics7(1), 5-18. [Pdf] [OSF]


Porter, T., Gardiner, G., Davis, D.E., Baehr, J. (2019). Wisdom through adversity: The potential role of humility. Journal of Value Inquiry, 53, 475-477. [Pdf]

Porter, T., Schumann, K. (2018). Intellectual humility and openness to the opposing view. Self and Identity, 17(2),131-162. [Pdf]

Ballard, P.J., Malin, H., Porter, T., Colby, A., Damon, W. (2015). Motivations for political and volunteering civic participation among diverse youth: More similarities than differences. Research in Human Development, 12, 63-83. [Pdf]

Damon, W., Bronk, K., Porter, T. (2015). Youth entrepreneurship. Emerging Trends in the Social Sciences, New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.


Geldhof, J., Malin, H., Johnson, S.K., Porter, T., Bronk, K.C., Weiner, M.B., Agans, J.P., Mueller, M.K., Colby, A., Lerner, R.M., Damon, W. (2014). Entrepreneurship in young adults: Initial findings from the young entrepreneurs study. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 35, 410-421. [Pdf]

Geldhof, J., Porter, T., Weiner, M.B., Malin, H., Bronk, K., Agans, J.P., Mueller, M., Damon, W., Lerner, R. (2014). Fostering youth entrepreneurship: Preliminary findings from the young entrepreneurs study. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 24, 431-446. [Pdf]

Porter, T. (2013). Moral and political identity and civic involvement in adolescents. Journal of Moral Education, 42, 239-255. [Pdf]

Schnitker, S., Porter, T., Emmons, R.A., Barrett, J. (2012). Attachment predicts adolescent conversions at Young Life religious summer camps. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 22, 198-215. [Pdf]

Barret, J., Porter, T., Emmons, R.A. Schnitker, S. (2009). Different styles reach different kids: An empirical inquiry into Young Life camping programmes in the USA and Europe. Journal of Youth and Theology, 8, 10-27.

Barrett, J., Burdett, E., Porter, T. (2009). Quantifying counterintuitiveness of folktales: Empirical investigation of MCI theory, Journal of Cognition and Culture, 9, 271-87.

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