
If you’re interested in joining our team of research assistants, please email Tenelle Porter at

Angie Vasquez is an undergraduate in the class of 2023 at NYU. She is interested in making classrooms diverse and inclusive where every student has a voice.

Brianna Herrera is an undergraduate in the class of 2023 at UC Davis, double majoring in Psychology and Chicanx studies. She is interested in studying how race affects students’ ability to voice their questions in a classroom setting.

Daniella Ortiz is an undergraduate in the class of 2024 at New York University. She is interested in conducting research regarding the manifestation, developmental course, and consequences of Borderline Personality Disorder, specifically in adolescents of color who are laboring under harmful stereotypes. In their free time, they also volunteer in the Cognitive Development Lab and hang out with their cat Brain Eating Amoeba!

Emma Hicken is an undergraduate in the class of 2023 at UC Davis. She is interested in studying ideas such as self-esteem, social comparison, and self-worth. She wants to use her own experiences and research to help improve others’ overall happiness.