Current Projects
Promoting Intellectual Humility in Classrooms

If you attended school in the US, chances are you were encouraged to ask questions and share what you did not understand. Despite the well- intentioned encouragement, you probably also experienced some reticence to admit your confusion or mistakes to others. In fact, students often feel that they are not supposed to show what they don’t know – this can be especially true for students from stigmatized groups . With colleagues Andrei Cimpian, Mark Leary, and a team of research assistants, I am investigating how to make classrooms spaces where all students feel confident voicing their confusion and mistakes to foster learning. Learn more about this research on the John Templeton Foundation website.
Creating Growth-Sustaining Contexts

The notion that some people are smart and others never will be saps motivation and achievement in school, especially for those who are struggling. How can educators keep all students engaged and motivated? With collaborators at Mindset Works and UC Davis, I’m investigating how teachers and classroom environments can promote and strengthen growth mindset beliefs and behaviors. This work includes a large cluster- randomized controlled trial that evaluates a teacher-delivered growth mindset intervention for middle school students.
Increasing Scrutiny of Misinformation

Children, youth, and adults alike have access to vast information on social media and the internet. Unfortunately, much of this information is unreliable. As the pandemic and recent presidential election make clear, misinformation sows mistrust, creates division, and endangers lives. My ongoing work with collaborators Keith Welker, Rocky Cole, and those at the University of Pittsburgh investigates ways to increase scrutiny of misinformation online to protect the public and promote health and wellbeing.